Client: McEwen Mining (formerly Primero)
Location: Black Fox Mine Site – Matheson, Ontario
Date: 2015-present
Average Production: 180,000 – 200,000 metric tonnes/year
Average Production Rate: 80 – 90 tonnes/hour
Custom Concrete (Northern) installed a Hydraulic Fill Plant at the Black Fox Mine Site in 2015. This plant is a dry batch plant which utilizes concrete ready mix trucks to mix and deliver the hydraulic fill. This project often operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to meet the necessary requirements of the operation.
At this installation 100% fine sand is used to create the paste backfill. The cement content varies from 3% to 10% depending on the mine requirements. The mix design also utilizes a viscosity modifying agent to help with segregation and superplasticizers to help with strength and lower the water content. The sand is screened to produce a 7 mm minus product.